Wondering how or when to take Plan B? In this video, sexual wellness expert @ericasmith.sex.ed explains what you need to know about the morning after.
This pill is a pregnancy prevention tool. It is not meant to be relied on as your regular contraception method and should only be used in emergencies. In this video, Erica answers various questions like,’How does the morning after pill work?’,’Can it be used as a normal method of contraception or is it used when contraception fails?’, ‘How soon they should be taken after unprotected sex or assault?’, ‘Does it protect you from sexually transmitted infections or STIs?’ and more.
How to use the morning after pills?
The video below will shed clarity on how to take the pill, what it does, which pill to take, and when to take it to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
You can even check out our Durex video on safe sex tips and advice to have protected sex. Nothing feels better than knowing you’re protected.
Explore our collection of condoms*, if you just want to have protected sex. Condoms provide effective protection against STIs as well. For a a natural skin on skin feeling, try Durex® Real Feel®*, which is a next generation condom made from a technologically advanced non-latex material that can help maximise both his and her pleasure through the combination of intimacy, sensitivity and connectivity.
We hope this video helped you get your answers about how the pill works.
We also have a video on who you can talk to about sexual assault, in which our sexual wellness expert Erica Smith shares some options that one can consider reaching out to in times of need.
*Ensure this product is right for you. Always read and follow the label before use.