Close-up of Lindsay Kenna smiling into the camera


Being ready to have sex is a personal experience. Nobody else can define whether you’re ready to have sex or talk about sex. This is something that should come from within.

If you’re wondering if you’re ready or want to try having sex or not, then we have curated two great infographics that give you mental maps of the questions you should ask yourself to determine your sexual readiness. You can think of it as more like a quiz for yourself to know if you’re ready for sex. 

The second infographic on this page is for the readers who wish to talk to their parents about their first time. We know that it isn’t the easiest topic to start or talk about, so we have made this list of tips that will not only put you at ease, but will give you clarity on what course that conversion can take for you.

How do you know if you are ready for sex?

The following infographic gives you tips on the questions you should ask yourself and your partner to determine wether you’re ready for sexual relations and wether you’re comfortable having sex with your partner. This simple checklist can help you be at ease when you actually do decide to have sex. Nothing feels better than knowing what you're doing.

Here’s the sexual readiness checklist that can help you decide.


sexual readiness checklist 1

sexual readiness checklist 2


Infographic 1: Sexual readiness checklist

Once you’ve taken this quiz to check if you’re ready to have sex, be sure to look for the right kind of protection and checkout the different kinds of condoms by Durex including lubed, flavoured, and non-latex to enjoy your first time fully.

You can also read some safe sex tips to ensure that you are fully ready for your first time.

Infographic 2: How to talk to your parents about your first time

Here’s an article on how to talk to your parents about sex, why it’s difficult, and how it can be useful. 

Now that you’ve the answer to your question, ‘Am I ready for sex?’, you can go on to feel safe about taking the next step, whatever it may be for you.

*Ensure this product is right for you. Always read and follow the label before use.

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